Home schooling in Southern Idaho


My son and his wife had four natural children but they wanted to help other children. In four of them, they added nine total thirteen. Four are of mixed race born of unwed teenagers. The other five are black Haitian children.

I am a product of the public school system who are my kids five. I was surprised to learn that thirteen of our 32 grandchildren were home schooled. It seemed strange to me. For one, a young mother needs some time to herself. Teaching all day does not fulfill that idea. A woman my son can not start the kids out the door and sit back and watch TV.

Moving to Idaho and be much closer to our son and his family I soon learned that my son and his wife do not trust the school system. The other day I heard my son say, to my surprise, that the current system was not designed to develop each child to the highest of their ability. Rather, it is to be an elite category and employees.

my son and his wife also do not adversely affect the public school system. My wife and I think children should face the effect, if they correct the error with teachers and parents. Be that as it may, home schooling is the best situation for my son and his wife here in Idaho.

Haitian my grandchildren reach the age of eight to eighteen. They have had to overcome both physical and cultural problems. Raised on the streets of the Haitian capital, the older ones are street-smart and they can be secretive and self-protective.

Most children learn at a normal pace. Some do not. I do not think that all children be successful in the regular school system. Children adopted at a younger age would adjust quickly to the public system.

All the children, except the four youngest, play the piano, violin, and some play guitar and other instruments. The two oldest girls natural birth in adult symphony. Three play in the youth symphony (two adopted). One grandson plays in both. Oldest grandson here in Idaho is on full scholarship in music in high school.

family together has formed a musical group that sings and plays here in Southern Idaho. They take gifts for baby formula for an orphanage in Haiti. If you want to contribute to the cause please email me.

child (of eight) are good cooks, know how to clean the house, and carry out chores. Most all of them are doing well in their home schools tested by the state Idaho.

other our grandchildren are all in the public school systems. We have one autistic disorder teenage son who was raised in the public school system. Fortunately for him, his school system has an efficient system for autistic children. It is not a separate program. Autistic children attend the same classes as other children, but special assistants keep things in order and learning.

my son and his wife are effective in educating highly talented (approved and natural) and not as gifted children. To do so, they used home schooling.

Copyright © John T. Jones, Ph.D. 2005


See both sides of Homeschooling Discussion


Think you want to homeschool your child, but you’re not sure you’re ready to make a big step? There is all kinds of information on homeschooling on the web. Curriculum and materials are available that will guide you in the mechanics of teaching and give you a lot of ideas. However, the curriculum and lessons plans only part of your decision. You must carefully weigh the pros and cons of home schooling and make your own educated decision.

Some parents, homeschooling can be a matter of convenience. Family life is not controlled by the calendar or hours and school schedules can be adjusted as you see fit. You must, however, make sure you do not fall behind in school. Classes can be scheduled at the time of day when the child is most productive. Public school children often need to be at bus stops before dawn and ride for hours going and coming from school fatigue and difficulty concentrating.

taught themselves at their own pace yourself ‘can be very useful. With cuts in public schools, it is not uncommon to find classrooms crowded with 35-40 students. Teachers are overwhelmed by the large numbers and vast differences in the skills of their students is often difficult to score brighter students and “busy work” is given to keep students occupied. When children are not challenged, they often become bored ways to discipline problems. To teach one-on-one basis, the child may be constantly experiencing new and challenging lessons. It focuses on the interests of the child, so as to keep him interested.

on the mind of every parent these days is the safety of children. Schools have increasing problems including drugs and weapons. Children encounter peer pressure to engage in unhealthy and dangerous activities. Bullies can be a problem. In the news we hear concerns events that take place in schools across the nation. Homeschooling parents feel they have control over their child’s environment and protect them from those events.

homeschool parents can teach personal and religious views than their hands PUBLIC SCHOOL teachers are tied to these issues. Prayer is not allowed in school and sometimes even say the Pledge of Allegiance in doubt.

There are also valid reasons for not home schooling. A homeschooled child may be isolated from other children. Children need to interact with other children and learn how to get along with them. Public education can teach students to deal with real life experiences, some good and some bad, but may need to deal with situations that arise in later life. Homeschooled child will lose the opportunity to play sports, be in school plays or attend high school prom. You must decide whether the benefits outweigh missing out on these activities. Options such as church activities, scouting, 4H clubs and other organized activities can help take out these activities. Home schooling parents often band together to provide these types of activities.

Public schools can offer unique options for the resources they receive and may be prepared to offer more in many areas. Some public schools concentrate on technical skills. One school in the city this author focuses on the science and medical training and students get experience and observation time in the hospital.

Education is a critical part of the development of each child. As children mature and become adults, they will need to be prepared for the jobs they want to have and what life brings your way. Ultimately, the choice is up to you, the parent. Research both options. Use the Internet, talking to other parents and learn all you can. Then make the wisest choice you can make to meet their child’s needs.


Teaching Methods – Homeschool Math Programs – Is it Worth the Money


I’ve never been a fan of Saxon Math. I used it in the early years of homeschooling my because it was the well-known and most recommended programs. If I had it to do over, I would have never used Saxon at all. My children and I found it tedious slog through – it was so public school feel to it. Lots of added extras, just so the state standards was covered. At least that’s how I perceived the program.

In the early grades (K-6) I prefer to use something like Abeka or Horizons and then to the “key” order “for strengthening the components and fragments, and then replace Teaching Textbook thereafter.

my reasons for this are the very early grades (K-3) are simple and easy to teach, and I never saw the point of overwhelming a young child with so many problems and exercises to practice the basics (except exercises with multiplication tables). Also, as a mathematical problem increases with things like division algorithm, fractions and decimals, my children do not find their explanations and examples to be adequate.

When the now 15 year old son was 13, I gave him lessons Textbook Pre-Algebra program. It is equivalent to a white board presentation on CD-ROM for each lesson in the textbook My. son was able to understand most things without extra help or explanation from me. Face it, most homeschool parents are math majors and do not remember much about algebra (which was only 20 years ago!). It matters how well the explanations are made for us as well. I could not count how many times I watched the math lessons and had to leave notes in order to help my child.

Fortunately, teaching textbook, there was very little of this, at least much less than I’ve had in other mathematical applications. I also felt that it was my son very well prepared for Algebra course he is taking this year in the tenth grade and he should have no problem keeping up.

It is true that textbook Teaching program is expensive. However, you may very well get a bargain on a used program on E-bay. Also, I’ve always saved my pennies to buy expensive programs when it really matters, because you will really appreciate the extra help with the tougher high school math courses.

In short, forget to buy $ 80.00 Saxon math program for the first series you with all the bells and whistles when you really do not. Instead, save you valuable time, frustration and money by buying a top-quality program, such as teaching textbook, down the road, when you will really need and appreciate it.


Disadvantages of Homeschooling? – Have you considered the


You’re thinking about or have already decided to teach their children at home. But have you considered defects homeschooling? These are serious issues that require sincere and faithful review.

Number one on the list of disadvantages of homeschooling is the commitment required of parents. Usually, it is very rare that this not be the case, one parent is going to be responsible for local schools. As a parent is going to have to take full responsibility for not being able to teach your child or children’s education and success or failure of a child in crowded classrooms, unqualified teacher, or any of the other myriad reasons parents give for lack child of success in education. Do you have the stamina, accept the discipline, knowledge, patience, and all the other skills and attitude it takes to be a parent and a teacher?

Second is cost. You are paying taxes to the local school district phone. However, if you homeschool your children, you will have to pay for tuition, books, materials, supplies, fees and other costs, and you will not get a refund on the taxes you have to pay to support public education. Are you able to bear the cost? Even with the co-op, used textbook exchanges, and a host of other tools designed to reduce the cost of homeschooling, teach your child or children at home is going to cost you.

Third, what about the development of social skills to your child? Will the close interaction between you and your child give the child the opportunity he / she needs to develop social skills? Here lies what is perhaps the most critical of teaching the child at home. However, in recent years this criticism has become more forceful given the emergence of homeschooling organizations that have come parental conferences, forums, conferences, field trips and other activities where parents and students can get together. Nevertheless, lack of socialization preferably disadvantage to teach your child at home.


5 Steps to Start Homeschooling Now


Are you looking to start homeschooling? Find out what has worked for me since I started teaching ten our children, as well as others, over twenty years ago. Discover the requirements to successfully teach their children at home.

Start Homeschooling

  • Learn homeschooling law of your state
  • Educate yourself about all homeschooling from reliable sources
  • Select the necessary supplies and homeschool resources
  • Bring subject areas in the home
  • Prepare the first week of homeschool lesson plans

In addition to these measures, to continue to learn to teach their children at home. Learn to enjoy your children as you are teaching them. Look for all the different ways that children learn. Do not rely solely on books training. There are other ways of learning that can occur when you spend quality time with your children.

Get Started Now

When you decide to educate your children at home, you really just need to start. You will be amazed at how much “you” learn as you start homeschooling your children. There may be certain tasks that you disliked before and will now have to review or learn so you can adequately teach them to your children.

If there are people you’re naturally drawn or are passionate about, you can transfer those interests to your children, as well. Expect your children to also begin to teach you what their interests lead them to discover new topics.

A Perfect Home School Family

There really is not any “ultimate homeschool families.” Everyone makes mistakes. Most houses are not always as clean as we would like them to be. Our children do not always do or become what we prayed and hoped they would be. We do not even always feel like we’re doing our best job, either.

However, do not be discouraged by this reality. Continue to push your way to educate your children at home. Be diligent in doing what you know to do, ask help when you need it, and tender heart as you teach children.


Homeschooling and the introduction of tablet computers to learn


With the new Apple iPod and all the tablets coming out there are more and more e-books available. In the very near future all textbooks and educational materials will be available for homeschooling parents to help in their curriculum teach their children. Indeed, it is already happening very fast, and I have stated in the past three months, the huge number of new educational e-books that are available to homeschooling parents.

In fact, if you go online and look at some of these homeschooling groups, it is amazing the amount of information they have gathered to help teach their children. If there is a level they are teaching their children, it will carry on to public school, and yet I have also noted that there are some homeschooling parents who do not want to continue into the future by using high-tech devices. Now then, I realize looking at the computer screen is probably not a smart thing to do for very young children, as their brains and minds are still being formed, and you do not want to cause a rupture between the eyes and the brain.

But if someone is teaching high school or high school level and participate in homeschooling, it seems to me that these tablets are just the ticket. And they strike certain textbooks because they are interactive video and can connect to the Internet so that each individual child can have a multimedia presentation of anything they are studying, of any material known to mankind. In addition, they can go online when their curiosity is piqued and enjoy learning and discovery so by homeschooling their projects.

, it could ask what is the problem with tablet computers and some homeschooling parents who are uncertain about this new technology. My thought is that not everyone is the first adopters, and it’s going to take some time especially for homeschooling parents who are maybe working on the third child now and they have a certain way of doing what has worked before. However, these new tools can help accelerate learning and increase the advantage of homeschooling, which quite frankly has already superior to public schools, and take learning to a whole new level.

If you are a homeschooling parent, maybe you could kick around some of the ideas I have presented here on a philosophical level and consider migration to tablet computing for home curriculum. Indeed, I will leave you with that, and I hope you will consider this and think about it.


Effects homeschooling


More children are home schooled today than ever before in history. There are many reasons for this increase. Some of them are:

  • Security: Parents are afraid to send their children to public schools. The violence on unsuspecting students and teachers in recent years has caused a huge increase in home schooling.
  • Drugs: More young people are pressured to use drugs than ever before in history. Prescription drug abuse is rampant in public schools.
  • Quality: Most parents are unsatisfied with the quality of test scores in most public schools. The teachers are overwhelmed and it shows in the test scores.

It is generally believed that students get a better education at home than from public schools. Teachers today are leaving the profession in record numbers. Teachers are leaving because they are not paid what they are worth. They also go because they feel they are not making a difference in the lives of their students.

When we lose our good teachers because we are not paying them enough loses all. Lack of quality teachers is one of the reasons that home schooling has become so popular. It is a sad day when parents do better than teachers.

The pressure that is put on teachers is immense. They get pressure from all sides. It is harder and harder for teachers to be effective today. We have lost many of the best teachers of our day. They have left the profession for better rewards.

Home schooling seems to have many advantages over education today. If you are considering home schooling your child you should be sure you research thoroughly before making a decision.


Homeschooling High School: What High School Records do I have to


What high school records do I need to keep the common question about homeschooling parents. You do not want to have your house over-run with lectures, but you want to be planned and prepared with everything you might need. There are certain things that all homeschool families should have.

Colleges are going to need to see a copy . Graduation is an important thing to have, even if your children are not going to college because at some point, somewhere, somehow, someone is going to ask you one. Be sure that you have a backup that contains course descriptions, names, units and ratings.

Often colleges will see a reading list, as well. A reading list is just a list of books the student has read. It does not read the bibliography. As long as you have the author’s name and the title of the books you’ve read that you should be just fine.

Many colleges, if not most colleges want to see course descriptions as well. A Course is really only one team descriptive essay about what you teach in class. This should not be scary or overwhelming either because descriptive essay is something that we teach our children how to start fifth grade. It’s really just the fifth grade writing assignment. I know you can do it.

Other types of information that colleges could ask for is a little more diverse. For example, some colleges will ask for samples of class. I can not tell you what class it is going to be because each university will ask for something else. What I usually recommend is that people try to keep some samples from each class.

You will want to keep a wide range of samples . In math class, you may want to keep the math test, you should keep a few science lab write-ups for science classes, and you may think that the provisions they wrote in French or menus and recipes from their culinary arts class. Try to keep something from every category because I was a little surprised that college admission people asking me. It came as a surprise and I was very happy that I had a sample from each category.


Homeschooling With YouTube


Everyone knows YouTube.com, free Video Media site. It seems like everyone these days are using YouTube to make themselves stars, market their products and services and generally to ensure that every part of anything important is captured on video by someone somewhere. But how many of you ever considered using YouTube for homeschooling phone?

How in the world, you ask, could anyone use a user-uploaded videos to teach? Easy, if you do a bit of looking around in advance. You’ll probably spend more time to browse through the available footage for just the “right” content, but with a little persistence and patience, and perhaps a little luck, too, you’ll find plenty of material to add to the learning experience.

YouTube for Social Studies: Much of the biggest moments of the 20th century and it seems like all the 21st century, as well, have been captured by video cameras. Do not read about an event – witness it firsthand. Search event itself – 1968 Olympics – or key number – Neil Armstrong. You may not have been born when the moon landing occurred, but you can still watch them with all the awe and amazement of those who were there. To find events in the days before he took photos, there are a wide choice of video among all movies ( The Crossing , for example,) documentaries ( Ancient Egypt National Geographic is ) and home movies of costumed reenactments. And then there are travel documentaries, giving you the real picture of the culture and places you can not really experience a book

YouTube scientific :. Everything from nature documentaries to home-made science experiments have been posted on YouTube. You can even see frog dissection, a good example of Bernoulli’s principle in action or volcanic caught on film

YouTube mathematics :. Having trouble with algebra? Or calculus? Or are you stuck on long division? There’s a video tutorial for all. You’ll probably find what you are looking for quickly and easily by adding the “Basics” keyword search – algebra basics, basic division algorithm, etc.

YouTube Language From Phonics video with catchy tunes and animation for the little ones to a college professor giving a tutorial on effective essay writing, the scenes from Shakespeare production both famous and not-so-famous reading or reading poetry, YouTube has a plethora of videos to add some spark to your language lessons. You can even see the vid on how to make the dreaded sentence diagramming. Not that you’d want to, but you can …..

YouTube for a foreign language: YouTube has at least one channel devoted to teaching foreign languages ​​basics – foreign language house. But you can also find music videos, newscasts, even soap operas and movies in a wide variety of foreign languages ​​

YouTube Arts Center :. Want to watch a biography of Leonardo da Vinci from the History Channel? Or how about a video series on watercolor techniques? Or have front row seats to the opera Strauss Blue Danube Waltz by Vienna Philharmonic? You can have everything in one afternoon thanks to more culturally literate side of YouTube. Talk about music video!

You can not think of YouTube as an educational aid, but as you can see, it has a lot to offer homeschool your. And it’s all free, which makes it even better!


Pagan Home Schooling


These days we live in a body of people were dogma rules. What do I mean by that? I meansthat all sorts of systems of values, system of Beliefs, and anti-religions found openly in the universe, anything goes and no one is hiding it! Due to this fact, there is an excess of families That determiner Themselves with Spouses of an alone doctrine.

This does not exclude families WHO desire to homeschool. Most bodies think That Homeschooling families wish to homeschool Because Of Their tireless code of conduct in a distinct religion be it Catholic or Christian Like. This is factual in some cases, irregardless some families desire to homeschool for ancillary Motivation and Uncover Themselves with multi views on dogmas.

An example of this is that, a pagan better half and a Christly spouse? Where as in advance When the young people attended school, it was not much of a Doubt, all the co-Now that the kids are being homeschooled you empathize with larger of an OPPORTUNITY to deliberateness over and give instruction doctrine. So what do you do? How do you homeschool if you are a Pagan and your other half is a christianly or Even Jewish?

It’s agreeable. Efficiently, Appropriate, Perhaps its not so manageable, howeverwhole It can be done with a little thought and pre-planning. Ask for the positive strategy and train Tim and Lisa two Faiths distinctiveness-which assists themself grasps That everyone does not think the joint and how to understand tolerance for others Even When They are unique or think differently.

Host of the Pagan holidays understand and Christly connections. Call for some time to comb to the root of Each theologies holidays and acquirement it as an educational go through. Tent some of These “Troubled holidays” where the minor does not understand-which way to commemorates, Pagan or like Christ, to school and school. Beguile the adversity by giving your son or daughter Backdrop and details from each of the dad’s views and Let Them turn out Their own conclusions.
