Homeschooling High School: What High School Records do I have to


What high school records do I need to keep the common question about homeschooling parents. You do not want to have your house over-run with lectures, but you want to be planned and prepared with everything you might need. There are certain things that all homeschool families should have.

Colleges are going to need to see a copy . Graduation is an important thing to have, even if your children are not going to college because at some point, somewhere, somehow, someone is going to ask you one. Be sure that you have a backup that contains course descriptions, names, units and ratings.

Often colleges will see a reading list, as well. A reading list is just a list of books the student has read. It does not read the bibliography. As long as you have the author’s name and the title of the books you’ve read that you should be just fine.

Many colleges, if not most colleges want to see course descriptions as well. A Course is really only one team descriptive essay about what you teach in class. This should not be scary or overwhelming either because descriptive essay is something that we teach our children how to start fifth grade. It’s really just the fifth grade writing assignment. I know you can do it.

Other types of information that colleges could ask for is a little more diverse. For example, some colleges will ask for samples of class. I can not tell you what class it is going to be because each university will ask for something else. What I usually recommend is that people try to keep some samples from each class.

You will want to keep a wide range of samples . In math class, you may want to keep the math test, you should keep a few science lab write-ups for science classes, and you may think that the provisions they wrote in French or menus and recipes from their culinary arts class. Try to keep something from every category because I was a little surprised that college admission people asking me. It came as a surprise and I was very happy that I had a sample from each category.


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