Homeschooling and the introduction of tablet computers to learn


With the new Apple iPod and all the tablets coming out there are more and more e-books available. In the very near future all textbooks and educational materials will be available for homeschooling parents to help in their curriculum teach their children. Indeed, it is already happening very fast, and I have stated in the past three months, the huge number of new educational e-books that are available to homeschooling parents.

In fact, if you go online and look at some of these homeschooling groups, it is amazing the amount of information they have gathered to help teach their children. If there is a level they are teaching their children, it will carry on to public school, and yet I have also noted that there are some homeschooling parents who do not want to continue into the future by using high-tech devices. Now then, I realize looking at the computer screen is probably not a smart thing to do for very young children, as their brains and minds are still being formed, and you do not want to cause a rupture between the eyes and the brain.

But if someone is teaching high school or high school level and participate in homeschooling, it seems to me that these tablets are just the ticket. And they strike certain textbooks because they are interactive video and can connect to the Internet so that each individual child can have a multimedia presentation of anything they are studying, of any material known to mankind. In addition, they can go online when their curiosity is piqued and enjoy learning and discovery so by homeschooling their projects.

, it could ask what is the problem with tablet computers and some homeschooling parents who are uncertain about this new technology. My thought is that not everyone is the first adopters, and it’s going to take some time especially for homeschooling parents who are maybe working on the third child now and they have a certain way of doing what has worked before. However, these new tools can help accelerate learning and increase the advantage of homeschooling, which quite frankly has already superior to public schools, and take learning to a whole new level.

If you are a homeschooling parent, maybe you could kick around some of the ideas I have presented here on a philosophical level and consider migration to tablet computing for home curriculum. Indeed, I will leave you with that, and I hope you will consider this and think about it.


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