Home schooling in California


Home schooling programs vary from state to state in the US As a personal option of parents to their children, who must meet the end not enroll. Parents play an important role in its success.

In California, it is mandatory for all children to have a public or private school and give proper education. Under the educational codes of California, methods exemption to mandatory schooling have ALTERNATIVE LEARNING features as follows:

1. The child has private teachers have valid credentials for specific content. The number of hours of instruction will be three hours per day, 175 hours a year. All parents who opt for this choice of powers do not need to send the child to formal schooling.

2. Home Study Program (HSP) and CHARTER SCHOOLS of California – Parents have the option of registering their child to the nearest public school for a home-based learning, where the school will assign a teacher that will facilitate check home-schooling student monthly. The tutorial program sessions are responsible parent home.

3. Private Independent Study Program – almost as a certified public enrollment different curriculum and rigidity in training. Private schools in California are not required with heavy restrictions on credentials.

4. As is consistent R4 Form (Private School Affidavit) – Home education can come from individuals in their respective homes by just to meet the requirements of educational codes California Department of Education. With least restriction from among the other methods of home-school operations systems, this is the only program for a few students not more than five sitting schooling at home in a very private environment.

Certainly, a change in the child’s schooling system affects parental goals and orientation. The advantage of formal schooling is the time parents get liberated to spend in their work while their children get the substantial education they pay for. Home schooling on the other hand, need all the time of the parents, which is a great career sacrifice in exchange personally educating a child. The price is to spend quality time and close bonding with the child.

Considering the way the child will have a significant positive socialization is the main consideration of home schooling. For families reputation or those who have “special child,” the need for home schooling is not questionable. Right recipe for the education of children can not be determined because the whole process can not be predicted by the imagination. It happens in a span of decades.


Home School – How to Handle a Subject You Do not Know Much About


So, I’m working with my kids and it turns out I need to Teach Them about the French Revolution. Wait a minute, the French had a revolution? Really? How in the world can I Teach Them about this, When I know nothing about this?

I’ve been stuck in this situation Many Times. My daughter was obsessed with dolphins as a toddler and preschooler. I knew nothing of dolphins back then. She’s obsessed with Dinosaurs now. While I can tell the difference between a toy and a toy stegosaurus T. Rex., My dino knowledge is most limited. (I have a much Easier time teaching my son, Whose “thing” is math. I’m good there until he gets to second semester Calculus, at point-which I’ll need to pull out my old text books and do some heavy duty reviewing.)

Should I inform the child of my ignorance?

The first thing I do when i do not know a topic is to tell the kids I don ‘t know that material. What? Mommy does not know everything?

Yes, my children are fully aware That mommy does not know everything. They figured it out around the age of three. We were in the car and Anna asked me, “how long do ladybugs live?” I Explained to participate in military did not know and she told me That I Should Google it.

Why tell the kids you do not know? Firstly, it buys you some time. Secondly, and more importantly, this gives the kids the OPPORTUNITY to see you Learn something new. Show your kids That you love learning . Attack the new topic with alacrity. If you’re a little timid on the subject, that’s okay too. Show your kids how You Can Overcome your internal reluctance and Learn.

Use your lack of knowledge as a way to foster the love of learning in your kids, and in yourself.

If, howeverwhole, you do not know the topic and have no intention of learning the topic, you might not want to dwell on your lack of experience with the topic.

Then what? How do I Teach Them the topic?

The way I see it, When you’re teaching your kids and you need to cover a topic you’re clueless about, you have three choices.

Learn the topic.

Unless I hate the topic, I usually opt to Learn it. I love learning new topics and I think it’s good for the kids to watch me Learn something new. They follow me to the library. They watch me skim through stacks of books. They see me leave with a bunch of books. They see me createTextNode graphic organizers. They see index cards. What’s more, They talk to me while I do These things and ask questions. So, Besides the kids and I learning the topic, the kids Learn how to Learn .

Pawn the job off on someone else.

Sometimes, it’s best to pawn the job off on someone else. Say you have always Hated math your kid is studying Multiplication and division of fractions. If just thinking about it Makes you sick, pawn the job off on someone else. I know plenty of Homeschooling parents That freak out at the thought of teaching science and math. Some of Them pass the job off to the other parent. Some of Them pass the job off to me. I love my Homeschooling co-op. My kids are not going to Learn art from me, but They do Learn about art in co-op.

If the child is old enough, put the burden on the theme.

This is also a fun method for dealing with lack of knowledge on a topic, as long as the child is mature enough to handle it. “Kid, you need to Learn about Aardvarks. I do not know anything about Aardvarks. Go Learn about Aardvarks and Prepare a report for me. It can be an oral presentation or You Can write a report, or Both. Hop to it. “

Good luck, and remember That ignorance is an OPPORTUNITY.


Home School Science Resources


There has never been a better time to choose to homeschool your child. There is a plethora of material to choose from, and thanks to the internet, they are immediately available, and many of them are free as well. A good place to start is at the planning stage. This need not be complex. Here is a list to get you started:

  • Will you teach general science or a particular policy, such as biology, geology, chemistry, etc. Now you can collect content accordingly.
  • What kind of budget you have to work with? If you’re using completely free resources along with library books, this option takes a little more planning, so it’s good to plan ahead and write it out.
  • Once you have determined your budget, start thinking about the teaching methods you will use, for example, natural, CD-ROM course, is on the line type, the traditional text book or a more hands-on experiment focused learning. Of course you can use a combination of these methods as well.

Science curriculum and equipment suppliers

Home Training Tools : They carry most of the well-known publisher (Apologia, Bob Jones Alpha Omega) and have a huge supply of scientific equipment. If you need glasses, burners, chemicals, preserved animals to dissect, etcetera, this is a great resource. The also provide many free dissection guides

Noeo Home School Science :. They provide their own line of curriculum kits. Individual components of the kits are available for purchase as well. Follow teacher includes a full 36-week program reading assignments, experiments and activities. The kits are typically 6-10 books, two or three that focus on famous scientists, and Club young scientist’s experiment kit that includes test signals instructions and all the hard-to-find supplies needed.These are very neat!

Free Science Resources : Some of these sites are for younger children and some high school / college level – check them out

Biology 4 Kids

– Biology Binder

-Troy High Home Labs [http://www.troy.k12.ny.us/thsbiology/labs_online/home_labs/labs_online_home_labs.html]

-The Biology Project

-On-Line Biology Book


What is Waldorf homeschooling Method?


If you’re trying to find the best homeschooling method for you and your family, you’ve probably run several very popular models of teaching. Some of them you’ve probably read up on or have heard are: Classical, Christian Classical, Montessori, Eclectic, Charlotte Mason, and Waldorf homeschooling method

Walfdorf homeschooling has its origins in a man named Rudolf Steiner. . Steiner, an Austrian scientist, developed school levels and methods that have now become a program of homeschooling

Waldorf basis for their ideas centered on his views that they were made of three plants :. His spirit, his soul and his image. As part of his development basis that it incurs, he three modes of education :. Rising childhood, middle childhood and adolescence

He believed that a child has to educational approach within these three factors. For a child to be taught, and taught well, he needs to learn that appealed to his spirit, soul and body.

In Austria, Rudolf Steiner encouraged to teach MIDDLE SCHOOL for children of workers in a cigarette factory. It was in this college that he was able to test and try the philosophy.

by his experience, his ideas became assured him. He developed his ideas in a mentoring program that was used in community schools, not only in Austria, but throughout America. The Waldorf homeschooling method has gained popularity since then.

Steiner had such confidence in his work, he created a middle school with his belief. The school ended up being very successful. Steiner educational model has yet to be implemented in some public schools.

Waldorf homeschooling has proved to be a productive approach. With Waldorf philosophy, every school day needs to help children learn through self-awareness, heart and hands. This method tries to bring life satisfaction and physical education in a child’s education. Most children love to learn through these settings.

When a child educationally involved through several different means, it is no wonder that they learn to love learning.


Free Reading Resources help homeschooled child to learn to read


teach children to learn to read at home can be great as teaching them to learn to read in the classroom. The key to success is to develop a reading program that takes advantage of all available resources and one that is supposed to learn the style of the child. The good news is that there are many resources available for reading to help homeschooling teachers present fresh and interesting content to new students while they learn to read.

Using worksheets and practice sheets to teach children to read

Experts agree that, no matter what method is used to teach kids to learn to read, children need to be with someone of work and teachers need to have a realistic method to assess progress. And although many homeschooling parents shy away from using the written practice sheets as to facilitate the process of learning to read both of these can be a viable kind of reading aids when used correctly. And creative use of these tools can not only provide students with the practice they need to become good readers, they can also help hold the interest of a child who has trouble focusing.

No longer read worksheets to be dull, standard chemicals found in many classrooms nationwide. The Internet and other parents homeschooling both houses a lot of ideas about creative worksheets. And, a teacher interested in customizing learning child to read the instructions can even create your own worksheets based on the interests of a particular child. A child who is fascinated with the sport can be provided with sports-related worksheets. A child with a special interest in animals can be given worksheets that focus on pets. Many of the worksheets that can be found online can be changed to reflect the interests of the child.

Other tools help homeschool parents pay teaching their children to learn to read

homeschooling teacher networks, seasoned teachers and the internet are all great resources for reading lesson plans, activities and programs. The Internet has opened up a world of places where school teachers and homeschooling parents “collect” to share their ideas for creative lesson plans and activities, such as book reports and write operations. All homeschooling parent who finds himself at a loss for new material can visit the internet to read resources.

Fortunately, with just a little creativity and a home computer, homeschooling parents and teachers can individualize many of these materials to reflect the interest of the child (ren) they teach them to learn to read. Handouts can not be personally can still put a lot of resources, ideas for workshops and practice sheet design and creation. There are so many fresh ideas for writing lesson plans available online and homeschooling groups that there is no need to avoid the use of these viable reading tools.

Homemade worksheets used along with new electronic resources, such as computer programs that can individualize instruction for each student, have been found increased student performance. The main idea is to add an established program by learning to read resources that reflect the intensity and focus of the child.


Homeschooling Lesson Plans Made Simple


homeschooling child with theme-based learning is a fun way to teach and learn. You can instruct your child that you brainstorm them from almost any subject child shows interest.

Young children might prefer themes around things like apples, zoo, birds, stars, or your favorite writer. Whenever you tailor the homeschool lesson plans on the theme, learning will be much more fun and creative.

When you base your homeschool lesson plans on the subject, you will also want to determine how much time you will need to reach the theme

. You can spend anywhere from a week to a month on the theme, depending on how much your child wants to learn the material. I suggest spending only two weeks at most one theme.

It is not difficult to integrate themes homeschool lesson plans. You will also find out how much fun you and your child by learning so much through a particular theme.

You’re not really integrate all subjects in one subject. In fact you do not even make theme-based learning all the time when coming up with a home school lesson plans.

One of the most important things you can do is involve your child in the planning themes. Let you child have the freedom to choose the theme for the lessons.

By giving your child choices, help you to build up his or her interest in what you’re teaching. I think it is necessary to take the child as much as you can in all aspects of lesson preparation and planning.

Let’s have a look at an example to see exactly how you would use themes homeschooling lesson plans. Let’s say you choose the apple theme for your unit. That being the case, you might have a science lesson on how apples grow.

When we do the math, we worked on fractions by dividing the apple slices. Learning about Johnny Appleseed could be a lesson for the Social Studies. We could learn books about apples. For LANGUAGE ARTS, we could write a paragraph about apples

But it’s more :. We could make them apple slices we used in math lessons to create apple stamps lesson for our art. We could sing songs of apples. We could finish off with a cooking lesson and make apple bread or apple sauce.

The important thing to remember when you’re putting together a theme-based homeschool lesson plans is to use the interests of the child. You will make learning more fun when you use thematic elements to enhance the curriculum you have already planned.


Time Management Tips for homeschoolers


How many times have you wished for a few extra hours in the day to control homeschooling lifestyle? The day will not get any more, but you can get stronger in your ability to deal effectively with every day. I have a few time management tips that can get you back on track in daily life. In fact, in my opinion the most important question you can ask yourself every day to control time, “What do I need (to do) now?”

to ask yourself this question does not make you needy, it makes you aware of what is really important and reflective of more targeted objectives at a given moment. The “to do” in brackets because sometimes the most important thing you need is to take action but to wait, pray, meditate, or simply relax in a state of beingness rather than doing ness.

These suggestions are organized and DO NOT format, but please be aware that you’ll have your own management style that feels best and most constructive to you. So the first step is to become aware of your strengths, weaknesses, and specialties in touch with how you perceive time. The more self aware you are perceptions of time, the more able you are to efficiently use the strengths and to effectively discipline your weaknesses.


1. DO prioritize the day: For those of us who want a daily to-do list, I recommend that you create a list of no more than ten important points to reach for the day. Any more than that will be the reason for frustration when unforseen events happen that make havoc with a sense of accomplishment. On days like these, grateful if two of the most important parts of the devices has been reached. Real detail folks will have a master plan, monthly plan and weekly plans along these daily programs but remember to keep a daily record short and important so that you can avoid a sense of guilt and self-blame, which are real time wasters!

visionary types who think the big picture, not the details should make sure that they do actually complete two important daily component. Finally, this list is not just about you. It should reflect what is important in activities in connection with the spouse, family, and your world. However, make sure the list includes one thing you would enjoy doing for renewal, fun, or a sense of serenity.

2. Do not strive for effective action: When you consider essential daily items on your list, consider how you can make them better. I’m not talking about the frenzied multi-tasking. I am suggesting that you think consciously about how you can make the most efficient use of your time. If you’re driving in town, take a moment to remember what you need to bring. If you are going to go shopping, look at the shelves and see what staples you have and decide whether you want to shop for their weekly food or just the day. Maybe you can combine a shopping trip with a trip to the library so the books are not overdue. Or maybe you should also reach out to a friend or an older person and pick something up for them as well.

3. Taki for homeschooling one item on your list will be daily homeschooling. Work to be well prepared so that teaching can really connect with your child in a creative way and so the child understands and can perform a day’s work in a well-ordered way. You can also learn to use some new tools like the Internet better homeschooling. New applications like the Internet Lesson Pathways.com can be a real help in allowing you to create a well-ordered and complete daily lesson plans to use the Internet.

4. Learn to hide Household Tasks: Your life will be much simpler and more efficient if you learn to create a rhythm with your children and spouse, which includes daily house activities that are age appropriate. A ten year old can do its own space and tidy her bedroom and game room. It can fold and put away their own laundry her as well as to have a job like sweeping or mopping the kitchen floor daily. This work should be part of the daily rhythm and habit patterns that is as regular as brushing your teeth. In our house there are larger houses work done before school hours and cleaning is done before bed. If someone forgets their lives, we have posted a list Happy House Jobs containing the work of each family member, including parents. Directory Mom working households should not be three times as long as the rest of the family combined!


1. DO NOT GIVE the empty well: If you find that you are feeling overwhelmed, overcommitted and tired, then you are trying to give a well that is drained of energy . You need to find ways to recharge your batteries. Be effective time executive means being aware of how you feel at any given moment. If you are not feeling alert, productive and at least somewhat the center, you need to change your to-do list to include the balance of time for yourself. It is so important to find time every day to nurture the nurturer.

2. Do not judge yourself: In order to control the time, you will manage to forgive you for all your perceived mismanagement! If you were not well prepared for homeschooling day, forgive yourself and find ways to prepare better. If your home is reflected more chaos and creation, look at what did not work and resolve to do it differently or clean it up. Remember that tomorrow is a new day!

3. Do not lose sight and goal: You may have days that are challenging, but do not let perceived burdens of daily cloud your sense of vision and goals for the next day. Try to loosen the burden at the end of each day so that you can return to your sense of purpose and allow you to take note of a higher purpose. Remember that even today seems hard to bear, you just need to really find what you need to do now.

In order to manage your time effectively, it will help if you remember this list of do’s and don’ts. You are going to have their own management style that you should honor and within the personal style you can learn to use the strength of efficient and working with weaknesses better. Make sure that each day ends two important items but also contains some time to nurture the nurturer. Do not waste time on guilt and judgment but learn from your mistakes and correct them in each new day.

Most importantly, learn to live a life that allows you to truly connect with the highest goals and helps identify what you need (to do) now. As you achieve this, efficiency and your joy every day grow.


Choose a homeschool curriculum – learning are all


After the decision to homeschool, one of the overwhelming choices facing parents is to choose studies. If you have been paying the least bit of attention to your children through the years, and I suppose you have, you begin to realize that children learn in many different ways -. Even children in the same family

If you’re starting to homeschool after your children have spent many years in school outside of your home, it can take awhile to figure out how they learn best, because time in the public or private schools can turn anyone into “workbook” student. Rushing curriculum purchase, then almost instant recipe for disappointment and frustration. So sit back, pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea, take a deep breath and read on before you buy it first book! (But do not despair if you’ve already spent some money – it is always used book sales.)

Here is how to calculate the child’s learning process

* take a few weeks only. watching them. Yes, I said weeks! This is a process, and the more information you gather, the more clearly you will be on how to move forward. Providing educational books (fiction and non-fiction), games, models, kits, software, etc. (except restricted and supervised surfing allowed!) And see what they gravitate to. What do they choose to do when they have free time? What toys they do not like to play with? Take good notes ~ you will not remember, trust me.

* Look at your notes and see how their choices fit into the following categories. While there are many ways to assess learning styles, this particular way is based on the characteristics of personality or temperament. I find it easier to use these distinctions, they take into account how a person behaves and responds to situations outside the school environment

The Active student, sometimes known as “strong-willed” child; do hands-on activities, manipulatives, construction type toys; Most children in this category

The routine student, best suited to a traditional curriculum; feel Worksheet / workbooks and complete the task

The Specific student, needs to be challenged and uses hands-on activities to deepen their understanding of concepts; well positioned to learn the supervisor

The Global student, loves to work and learn in a group; fun to read and learn about the ideas in the context of

* Start Word document and write a summary for you. If you keep this updated as your child grows and changes (some symptoms overlap even in the same person), you can use this as curriculum choice every year.

Now what do I do?

Check this resort as a starting point. Some catalog companies, such as rock solid, Timber Doodle and Homeschooling Books also provide assistance in choosing or evaluating curriculum choice. It is worth taking the time and understand the child’s learning process. Time spent now will pave the way for a positive and rewarding home school in the future.


Home School Preschool Curriculum -? Which one should I choose


One of the most difficult aspects of homeschooling kindergarten is to decide what homeschool preschool curriculum to use. Before looking at the many applications on the market, think about your family’s needs. How much time has to spend preparing teaching and teach your child? How much money you want to spend? Is your child ready for structured formal learning? What type of activities your child enjoy?

If you have a busy schedule or have many children to teach, you may want to use a program that has a pre-planned schedule, and requires little preparation and teaching time. Consider using traditional programs like A Beka or Horizons, which comes with lesson plans and workbooks. Rod and Staff sells a collection of preschool workbooks that are Christian-based and easy to use.

Little Hands to Heaven also comes with a pre planned schedule. This Christian program teaches the essential skills kindergarten with 33 units that are centered around Bible stories. Although the program is built, it is flexible enough to be used by children of many age at the same time.

If preschooler enjoys reading, consider using a home-based school kindergarten. Programs like Sonlight, Winter Pledge and five in a row sent their lessons on literature classic children. As you read and discuss stories with your children, they learn everything they need to know about kindergarten and beyond.

So what do you do with the wiggly ones? Lapbooks! Hands of a child and homeschool Share provide hands-on lapbooking activities you can use to teach the kinesthetic students we all love. If your child still does not want to participate, skip lessons!

Preschoolers can learn everything they need to know by helping us with household chores and errands. Talk to your child about numbers, patterns, shapes, and letters and their sounds. Read picture books and make up your own stories. Make maps and photos for loved ones. Take a trip to the zoo and library story times.

Real-Life communication is the best curriculum for your preschooler. Everything else is just a supplement.


Beka Homeschooling – Three Options for home school


Beka Home School, correctly known as Beka home school offers three options for you and your child to school to home. This article will discuss the three options.

Option one is called Video Option and offers a choice between recognized as a non-accredited program. I’m not sure why parents would want to choose not approved a plan for their child if the parent did the parent would have to keep records of the performance of the child. As for the approved program, A Beka confirms report cards and keeps a copy of the child’s work. The program is available from K5-grade 12 and provides Christian textbooks and all the necessary materials. The video is said to be of high quality and features a master teacher. There are basic courses and many electives to choose from. Under this option, the parent is more of a facilitator in the actual teaching is done through videos.

Option two is called Traditional Parent-Directed Option. This is a fully accredited program targeted students from K5 to six grade. Again, all you need is provided from Christian textbooks to workbooks, lesson plans, homework and tests. A Beka means registration. You do teaching using the materials provided, including lesson plans and calendar. There are even flash cards and other teaching aids provided.

A Beka Book is option three named Textbooks / Material for home schooling. This is a less formal programs covering kindergarten through 12th grade and is given by the biblical teaching all textbooks and materials. No diploma is given for this course instruction and no records are kept by the academy. This program seems to be more of an adjunct to other formal connection with teaching rather than stand alone program. Why would a parent always choose a non-accredited school or program for their child?
