Start Homeschool Co-op


can start a homeschool co-op

Home School Co-op: A cooperative families who homeschool their children. It provides an opportunity for children to learn from other parents who are specialized in certain areas or subjects. Co-op also provide social interaction for homeschooled children (

homeschool co-op seems to be very popular homeschooling now. Maybe you’ve heard of them, be part of one, or just want to see more co-op in your area. Have you considered starting a co-op yourself? It is not difficult. Here are some tips to help you make it simple and easy :.

not make it one

You can not and should not run the co-op itself. Gather people to help you carry the burden. Role homeschool leader should be assigned responsibility so that everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the group. It is part of what defines the co-op.

Bring the board or management group. This need not be formal. Simply choose people who are organized and can take decisions. Keep a small table, so decisions can be made easily. Every table should have at least three members of :. President, secretary and treasurer

approach potential control personally. Emphasize their strengths and contributions to the co-op and ask if they would be willing to help in a leadership role. They are honored to be selected. One leader knew my weakness for flattery when she approached me. “I have around me smartest, best people I know,” she told me, “I want you.” She made me feel great and, of course, I said I would help!

Who are you? Write purpose statement

A purpose statement for your homeschool co-op two questions :.

Who are you? Are you defined geographical, religious organizations, depending on the age of students, by skill or style or curriculum choices? Who is your target audience?

Why do you exist? Is it to provide academic classes, enrichment classes, social outlet, or maybe all of the above

Tips for writing a purpose statement 😕

Use words such as :. try, look, effect, or encourage

Keep your statement short. Preferably one sentence or about 50 words.

Be specific. Do not make your purpose unattainable or sound loftier than you can reach. Setup can not be all things to all people.

Add declaration purpose everywhere. Put it on your website, e-mail to members, posters and signs at every board. It serves as a reminder to members and leaders why you are and who you serve

Here are some samples of the purposes of accounting for the homeschool co-op :.

The purpose of this homeschool co-op is to provide affordable, quality, fun-filled academic course in the homeschool community.

We are offering science courses for 7-12 grade students Christian homeschool families.

Our goal is to offer a classical education courses for homeschooled students taught by professional, experienced teachers.

Keep it simple and grow slowly

I urge the new homeschool co-op to start very small, perhaps only a few families and trial period of perhaps 6 weeks manageable. After the trial period can all decided to continue for another six weeks.

add a few families as you can manage, but do not feel pressure to grow too fast. If too many people are begging to join your group, encouraging them to form their own co-op them. There are several useful resources.

Do not try to meet everyone’s needs or desires. Group can not be all things to all people, nor should it try. Therefore, the purpose of the declaration is so important. It helps you focus on making manageable tasks and not trying to be a full-service shop for all homeschoolers.

Have a planning meeting. Decide 4 W and 2 C

After you have gathered some people to help you craft and purpose statement, schedule planning meetings and hash out the details. Here’s what you need to achieve

4 W is

Who: Who will come? What age or grades? Will you share a religion or be open to all

What: What will you do? This may fall into your purpose statement

When :. What day (s) and hours will be co-op meet

Where: Where will the co-op meet? Homes, parks, libraries and churches are common meetinghouse

2 C

Cost:.? How much will you charge

curriculum: What classes will you offer?

Answering these questions will get you pretty far in planing phone. After these major decisions are made, you can focus on the details and spreading responsibility.

to create a budget

Ideally, your co-op should have a budget before you start. Some believe that the budgets are only for tracking expenses, but you must plan for revenue also. Start by listing all your sources of income, such as membership fees, class fees and fundraisers. Do not be too optimistic; conservative estimates will serve you best. Next try to predict expenses such as postage, copying, building use fees, supplies. On the cost side, it is better to include too much and not too little. Finally deliver revenue costs and adjust until you have a balanced budget or even a small surplus protection unexpected. If you can not balance your budget, you have two choices: cut spending or increase revenues. Recalculate revenue with higher co-op fees or cut some expenses.

Starting homeschool co-op is not difficult. Just collect interest, helpful people and discuss your purpose. Have a meeting to reach some important decisions and set a budget. You’re bound to run a successful homeschool co-op!


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