Homeschooling in California – What are yours


homeschooling in California is live. Over 200 thousand children in California are now homeschooled.

Options homeschooling in California were very limited in February 2008 when a California judge ruled that only individuals with credentialed teaching degree could now teach children. But in August the same year, the same court changed its decision. If you confess with your home to be a school, your children teach anyone, whether they have a teaching credential or not.

But if you want to homeschool your children in California, and you would like to be within the law, then what are your options? This article tries to clear up the legal situation.

California homeschooling Options

Basically, homeschooling laws in California give you 4 options for homeschooling. You are free to choose the one that best suits you and your family:

  1. You describe your home to be a private school
    This option has the least restrictions and red tape. But you’re still going to homeschooling laws in California. Every year from 1 October and 15 October, you have to fill in a private school affidavit (Form R4). The teacher does not need to have formal teaching. You need to have attendance and you need to have faculty met – a list of people who “work” in your “private”, so please write down your name on a piece of paper … you also need to keep California School Immunization on file to show that your children are not sensitive to certain table transmitting diseases. You should also be able to provide a report on health for the school Entry or waiver of medical check up for school entry. You also need to write down the curriculum of your children ever year. This need not be a lengthy report, but there needs to be some sort of written plan for the government to check. Finally, you have to teach a minimum of people to your children, but you are free to teach them in any way you see fit.
  2. Independent studies in public school (ISP)
    There are 2 ways attended within this option. The first is the public school districts. Some offer home study program. If they do, run with it. You need to work with the state program teacher, who will examine the education you give your children in accordance with the minimum requirements in California. If they do not, then you must use one of the other methods. The second is PUBLIC CHARTER School. These are schools that receive public money but are exempt from some of the rules that apply to other public schools. They are considered to be better than public schools. The California CHARTER SCHOOLS Association keeps a list of good schools in your environment. You will work with a facilitator from the charter school, which will meet you once a month.
  3. Education provided by a certified private teacher
    easiest but also the most expensive option. The supervisor needs to be a state certified teacher and education must be in English. He should teach 3 hours for 175 days a year. This option is not used much, because parents want to control their children’s education themselves. This way they would still be a public school into their home, and they would have to pay for it (while it is usually free to them).
  4. Private school satellite program (PSP)
    This is a continuation program run by private schools. However, they differ among themselves. Some schools allow you to take full control of and responsible for the education of your children. You can educate their children at home. This option is popular among California homeschoolers parents do not need to fill in wearing Private School declaration (R4 form). The school needs to deal with the paperwork and red tape, not the parents. On the downside, you are responsible for fulfilling the requirements of the California Education Code.


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